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iZND SERVICES Make your company a winner of The BIZZ!

iZND Deserved to be a Winner of The  Bizz Award From: Harold Desir < hdesir@worldcob.org > Date: Mon, Nov 20, 2023, 11:04 PM Subject: IZND SERVICES Make your company a winner of The BIZZ! General Manager IZND SERVICES Dear , We would like to congratulate you on your company's outstanding business achievements. We believe that your company has what it takes to be a winner of The BIZZ Awards , and we invite you to participate in this prestigious international business recognition program. The BIZZ Awards are designed to recognize the achievements of top-performing companies from around the world. By participating in this program, you will have the opportunity to showcase your company's success and gain valuable recognition and exposure. To participate please fill out the evaluation questionnaire here This questionnaire will help

ASIA BUSINESS LEADER OF THE YEAR AWARDS 2022 || 17th August, 2022 || Pan Pacific, Singapore

DR ISAAC ANDY | ASIA BUSINESS LEADER OF THE YEAR AWARDS 2022 || 17th August, 2022 || Pan Pacific, Singapore

From: <secretariat@worldcsrday.com>
Date: Thu, 4 Aug 2022 at 12:52 PM
Subject: ASIA BUSINESS LEADER OF THE YEAR AWARDS 2022 || 17th August, 2022 || Pan Pacific, Singapore
To: <isaacandy@izndgroup.com>

Dear Dr. Isaac Andy,


Greetings..! Hope you are fine.


I am extremely pleased to share with you that "ASIA BUSINESS LEADER OF THE YEAR AWARDS 2022" scheduled on 17th August, 2022 at Pan Pacific, Singapore. The details for the award is given below for your perusal.


Through this email I wish to request you to nominate your organization. If interest in that case please email me at secretariat@worldcsrday.com 


I look forward to welcoming you should you like to participate.


Thanking you.




Teena Kanojia

+91 8898032930



Assistant to CEO
iZND Group of Companies

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