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iZND SERVICES Make your company a winner of The BIZZ!

iZND Deserved to be a Winner of The  Bizz Award From: Harold Desir < hdesir@worldcob.org > Date: Mon, Nov 20, 2023, 11:04 PM Subject: IZND SERVICES Make your company a winner of The BIZZ! General Manager IZND SERVICES Dear , We would like to congratulate you on your company's outstanding business achievements. We believe that your company has what it takes to be a winner of The BIZZ Awards , and we invite you to participate in this prestigious international business recognition program. The BIZZ Awards are designed to recognize the achievements of top-performing companies from around the world. By participating in this program, you will have the opportunity to showcase your company's success and gain valuable recognition and exposure. To participate please fill out the evaluation questionnaire here This questionnaire will help...

Dr Isaac Govind Andy | Britishpedia Biography Encyclopedia, Success People in Malaysia 2023 Volume 5

Dr Isaac Govind Andy - Confirm biography for publishing - Britishpedia

From: BPH - British Publishing House Ltd. <office-my@britishpediamedia.com>
Date: Mon, Dec 12, 2022 at 12:29 PM
Subject: Confirm your biography for publishing
To: <isaacandy@izndgroup.com>

You are creating history.

Dear Prof. Dr. Isaac Andy

Thank you for your amendments. We have made the amendments as per your request. We are sending it again to you for your further review and confirmation. Please be informed that the confirmation status will be applied simultaneously to both book item & or certificate item (if any), thank you.

Isaac Govindarajan Andy
Prof. Dr, PhD O: Founder & CEO; B: Kuala Lumpur, 29.11.1977; P: Aaron S.M. Andy; Tang Yoke Chan; GrA: Yeong Sam; E: 1999 Bachelor's Degree BSc (Hons) in Computing & Information System, Staffordshire University, London; 2019 Doctor of Philosophy - Honorary PhD, Social Work, University for Peace (UPEACE) - UN Mandated; 2021 Honorary Professor - Academic Union, Oxford Academic Council, Science, Culture, and Education; Ca: 2012-Present Founder & Director of IT, iZND Services; 2017-Present Co-Founder / Chief Innovation Officer, Boardroom Technologies PLT; 2015-Present Founder & CEO, iZND Group Sdn Bhd; 2018-Present Chief Information Officer, Software House PLT; 2008-2010 Technical Leader, CTS Asia Pacific, IBM Global Services; 2001-2004 Technical Manager, Getronics Solution; 1999-2000 Analyst Programmer - MIS Exec; 1996-1998 Information Technology Consultant, Mediscreen™ - Freelance; CO: iZND Services, Software House. iZND Group, Boardroom Technologies, TheAlien.888 Generative NFT Project, iZND Domain Registrar; WaCW: As a Technology Enthusiast, Dr Isaac has built many codes that are adopted and implemented throughout the entire world. From scripts that were used to rectify systems issues to SOPs & Policies that are presently adopted and applied by most IT companies & IT Departments.; CaSA: Internet Governance Forum - UN Secretary General MultiStakeholder Advisory Group | Technical Community - Science and Technology; Mentors Without Borders - Science and Technology; RIPE NCC - Malaysian Ambassador; RIPE NCC (Réseaux IP Européens Network Coordination Centre) is the regional Internet registry (RIR) for Europe, the Middle East and parts of Central Asia; Internet Society Global Member & Chapter Member; UN Global Compact - Chief Executive – with support from the Board. This commits our organisation to meet fundamental responsibilities in four areas: human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption.; Metaverse Standards Forum - Participating Member; Blockchain Council - Member; Aw: The European Quality Award, Issued by Achievement Forums - Apr 2020; The BIZZ 2019 Winner - Business Excellence Award - Issued by World Confederation of Businesses (WORLDCOB) - May 2019; 10 Most Promising Google Technology Solutions Provider - APAC CIO Outlook Magazine - Dec 18, 2019; 20 Most Extraordinary CEOs 2019 - Industry Wired, Bloomberg - Nov 1, 2019; 20 Best Performing CEOs to Watch Out in - Mirror Review magazine - Feb 1, 2019; Most Successful Entrepreneurs of 2018 - Beyond Exclamation Magazine - Jan 3, 2019; 50 Fastest Growing Startups - APAC Business Headlines - Sep 3, 2018; 30 Most Influential Business Leaders in Tech 2018 - Insights Success - Aug 1, 2018; The Silicon Review - 50 Most Valuable Brands of the Year 2017 - May 15, 2017; Insights Success - 20 Most Innovative Companies to Watch 2016 - Nov 18, 2016; Business Awards - Best It Infrastructure Outsourcing Company, Malaysia - Issued by APAC Insider - Dec 2017; Business Awards - Excellence Award For Data Centre Management Services, Malaysia - APAC Insider 2017; Me: Advisor of Avadore.io, Alibaba Cloud, Samsung Enterprise Alliance Programme, Microsoft, Google Cloud Digital Leader, IBM Business Partner, iZND Domain Registrar & Server Hosting, VMWare.; Ach: "Name in Science" Issued by The Academic Union, Oxford - Mar 2022; Queen Platinum Jubilee | Manager of the Year Project - Oxford Summit of Leaders 2022; Queen Victoria Commemorative Medal Project: for virtue, bravery and integrity (Oxford UK) - Issued by Europe Business Assembly, Oxford, UK - Feb 2021; LS: English, Cantonese, Malay; H: Passionate about technology and to help improve productivity by increasing efficiency using technology.; PMM: Dr Isaac's personal magic moment was when was responsible to design & implement the 10 years roadmap for the Desktop Management technologies as well as the support structure that focuses on improving reliability based on the requirements of each of the 190 country's responsibilities within Malaysia Airlines; RoS: Dr Isaac's reason of success is that he was given different opportunities in different areas. Despite the challenges, he was able to solve them with persistence.; Web: www.izndgroup.com; PSN: about.iznd.xyz

Your index:
Information Technology, Communications and Media

Successful People in Malaysia (5th Edition)
Editorial closing date: 04.08.2023

Release date: December 2023

Best Regards
Martin Nikodemus

A2-23A-3A, Soho Suite KL
Jalan Perak off P. Ramlee
50450 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

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phone: +60 3 2382 2200
email: office-my@britishpediamedia.com
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